

数据在云工作流程决策中扮演什么角色? 这些数据从何而来,这些数据告诉我们什么? Three industry experts weigh in on these questions and talk about how shifting data to the cloud has ultimately streamlined workflows and costs compared to maintaining and moving data around on-prem networks.

埃里克·舒马赫-拉斯穆森主席 流媒体会议和CMO, id3as, says, “I think back to something that Jason Thibeault, who's the Executive Director of the 流媒体视频技术联盟几年前,他在一次流媒体会议上说. 他提醒我们,当视频流媒体, 只是数据而已, 但是5点之前的一切, 十年前, 这不是 只是 data. 现在,它越来越近了.他问数字媒体系统高级副总裁迈克尔·科特, 华纳兄弟. 发现谈到了他对流媒体这种新的数据密集型方面的看法.

科特说:“我有几种不同的方式来看待这个问题. “There's a principle which holds pretty true with cloud called ‘data gravity.这个想法是如果你有大量的数据, it's probably easier to locate your compute and other resources close to that data – it’s going to attract them rather than move that data around a network. 所以我认为,在内容源自云的情况下, 或者它从云层中出来,或者两者都有, 这些显然是我们开始观察和说的地方, 好吧, maybe instead of bringing that 信息 back down to an on-prem environment, 也许把它留在云端会更好. 这样我们就可以把网络聚集起来, 计算, 还有云端的存储空间. 它节省了大量浪费的材料移动. 所以我认为这是一种看待问题的方式.”

Koetter also talks about how it has become more efficient to manage and measure data in the cloud. “My cloud security dashboard 只是 works because it's in the cloud infrastructure…the scale of usage is there. All of my configuration is there, and it's presented to me in a data dashboard. And that whole process is very time-consuming to try to get data on my on-prem utilization and security status and all that other kind of stuff. We have to put a lot of systems in place for that…the fact that there is such a proliferation of data about your cloud environment helps you to be a lot more efficient than you could be in a similar on-prem environment.”

老科里·史密斯. 先进生产技术总监 CBS体育数字频道, 派拉蒙, agrees with the points that Koetter makes and includes some additional insights. “It doesn't make sense to move petabytes worth of data back to the ground 只是 to analyze it there,他说. “你还不如在云端做这件事, and that could be any data that's coming from your clients that are used to consume your video programming and your content – to improve quality of service, find metrics about where in the world the majority of people are coming from, 你的热区和冷区. You can analyze to improve your service from a streaming perspective…it gives me as a business the opportunity to go out and solve those problems in a more strategic way.”

Smith also emphasizes how this approach makes for better financial efficiency in the long run. “It helps focus the dollars because we're not displacing it from some of the capital expenditure, 所以我们还在消费. 只不过是转移到了不同的桶里。. He also reiterates Koetter’s points about the better efficiency of data analytics in the cloud. “So my Infoset guys and my other DevOps personnel have one kind of look and feel of the entire environment without having to bounce into different systems.他指出,总体而言, this streamlining of systems makes for a better quality of experience for customers.

Rick Clarkson,首席产品官 Signiant, 他也同意科特和史密斯关于云数据效率的观点, 他还进一步强调了成本效益. “我们赚钱的方式之一就是移动数据, 但是我们同意你的看法, 只移动必要的东西,如果你不需要在内部部署时移动它,就不要这样做, or you only move what you need…I think it's really important whether you're providing a service or you're providing a product as a service. 而云让你有能力做到这一点.”

了解更多关于云流工作流的信息 流媒体西部2022.

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