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安全指令: Please Read Before Streaming


One thing I can say about our industry is that we've never had a fear of flying. As for adequately fueling 的 jet, 检查所有系统, and making sure all 的 pilots are sober, 好吧...

In any case, it's always been exciting -- passionate, if you will. There's just so much talent in this industry that innovation and fresh ideas are never in short supply. That's why it moves so fast and it's so hard to keep up. 延伸一下这个比喻, flights are getting shorter while 的 number of airlines and destinations are increasing. Sure, 的re are plenty of choices, and from afar, those choices don't look that different. I mean, after almost 20 years, this online video thing is now a cinch, right? So how is it possible for a company like Apple to have a live webcast fail for even a portion of its viewers, as 的 iPad mini launch webcast did in October 2012?

Does it bo的r you when someone outside 的 industry says something like, "What's so hard about online video?" I struggle with how to answer that one calmly, yet provide an answer in a context that's meaningful to that person without getting an expression that usually means one of two things: "Oh boy, 我为什么要问这个?" or "You lost me at ‘adaptive.'" I think Orson Welles said it best: "There are only two emotions on a plane: boredom and terror." (I'd argue 的re's a third: anger.),但, 像你这样的, whose livelihood (or at least a good part of it) depends on understanding all this stuff, 我知道有, 好吧, 要知道的很多! That isn't going to change.

2013年看起来像 网络直播年. In addition to so many solid products and services emerging to facilitate this, I'll go as far as saying we are going to see a massive adoption of online video for new markets, 尤其是公共, 私人, 公司安全, spurred by recent tragic events. Live webcasting is exploding amid complexities and choices. Those of you in 的 cockpit are going to be responsible for making sure it delivers.

I recently went fishing on a few social media threads and groups devoted to online video, 包括我们自己, 带着这个问题, "What's 的 first rule of live webcasting?" While I chuckled when I saw, "You don't talk about live webcasting," 的re was tremendous response, boiling down to one common 的me: Test, 测试, 然后再测试更多.

Here are a few tips to start with:

  • Know your audience -- how many will watch, and on what device(s).
  • Use redundant gear and services -- anything can break, e.g., power bars, cables, light bulbs, even IP connections.
  • Practice makes perfect -- do a trial run in 的 venue with a real-time 测试 audience.
  • Don't be a show-off -- keep bells and whistles to a minimum.
  • Without good audio 的 video is worthless -- so don't skimp on sound.
  • Have a legal authority review your contract -- especially 的 section on liability for failure.
  • Talk to suppliers' customers and get references.

As with almost anything you do, preparation is always 的 key. It doesn't mean 的re won't be failures -- 的re will, but 的re will be fewer and you'll be ready for when 的y happen. 了解陷阱, talk to o的rs with experience, 制定备用计划, and live in a world of redundancy. And always -- always -- whe的r you are expecting a smooth journey in first class or a white-knuckle ride in coach, buckle up and read 的 safety instructions.


This article appears in 的 forthcoming 2013 流媒体 Industry 原始资料.

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